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Project Name:  Geological and Geochemical Mapping
Location:  Kwanza Basin, Kwanza Norte and Sul Provinces, Angola
Start Date / End Date:  2012 - Ongoing
Client:  Sonangol EP
 Goto Project Site

Kwanza Basin Geological and Geochemical Mapping 2012 - Ongoing Kwanza Sul, Angola The national oil company Sonangol is conducting geological and geochemical mapping of the Kwanza Basin; the project is on a scale of 1:25,000. The project Geochemical aspect includes samples of rock and soil in a total area of 27,000 km².

This project was established as the first national scale project of geochemical mapping and has to be completed with 15,000 sampling points. The analytical part of the project requires numerous chemical analyses of samples, including analysis of hydrocarbons.

MDVIA Groups Geological department conducts QC & QA activities for the project. We are working in direct contact with our Angolan colleagues who provide consultations and corrections needed in the routine work. Currently this project is in the phase of field sampling and preliminary analysis of the data.

Our department is also creating a database for the entire geological project and the preparation of statistical analysis tools for data evaluation. We also pay special attention to the local staff's professional level and provide training for the local staff in managing the QC & QA during the project. By making a careful study of Angolan geology and critical review of the relevant data available, we are capable of creating a better working environment for our Angolan partners

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